Archive for May, 2009

Rough Day

Poor Em hasn’t felt too great the past few days.  Tuesday evening she came down with a fever, and after her waking up with one still this morning, I started to think that maybe this was more than just teething.  Another ear infection maybe? (Ugh!)  I came home from the grocery store around 10am to find Jacob and Emma on the porch swing.  She was wrapped up in her blankie, staring off into space with the most pathetic look on her face.  After snapping a few pictures, I went inside to call the doctor.  I had JUST made her an appointment when Jacob rushed through the door saying Em had thrown up.  It was everywhere.  All over her.  All over Jacob.  I immediately took her to get a bath while Jacob hopped in the other shower.  As soon as I turned off the water and started sudsing up her hair, Emma suddenly got real still and made that “face” (those of you who know her know what I’m talking about).  The bubbles started coming, and then there was a lot more than just bubbles.  Yes, poop.  Lots of it.  Everywhere.  What are you supposed to do once it practically dissolves in the water, when your little girl is crying and shivering, when it has gotten ground into the bath mat she’s sitting on????  Lots of extra hands please!  (Did I mention Jacob was still in the shower?)  Somehow I managed to drain the tub, rinse her and the tub off, get the bath mat into the trash, and re-bathe Em.  What a process!

Needless to say, Em has been in pretty bad shape today.  We made it to the doctor this morning.  Thankfully, her ears are in good shape.  It’s just a virus that should pass in the next few days.  In the meantime, Jacob and I are banking up on the extra snuggles she’s giving right now.  The only nap she took all day was in my arms.  As inconvenient as it may be, I love that the comfort of her parents is all she wants right now.  It makes me love her even more.

Let’s go the zoo!!

We spent this past weekend in Memphis, hoping to make it to the zoo sometime in between rain showers.  I was beginning to lose hope, but on our way out of town, the clouds broke for a minute and we were feeling gutsy.  So we decided to make a run for it and the rain held off just long enough for us to enjoy a few hours at the zoo.  Emma loved it — here are a few pics from the afternoon.

What is a toddler?

A child who is between the age of 12 months and 48 months old (1 year and 4 years old)

One who loves to eat <xyz> food one day and then dislikes that very same <xyz> food the next day

One who requires a lot of clean laundry, tidying-up after, and lots of attention, and constant amusement and stimulation

One who is methodical and focused in her attempts at launching a spoonful of mashed potatoes as easily as a robotic arm assembles a car!

One who’s innocence and wonder inspires us to do better

One who possesses an abundance of love to share

One who is unconditional in the giving, and delightful in the receiving of that love, along with showering hugs, kisses and smiles to those around him or her; a true joy and a true blessing to treasure

Guess What Emmy’s Up To…

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Guess What Emmy’s Up To…“, posted with vodpod

Caution: this will gross you out

Emma’s latest facination is completely disgusting.  We are lucky enough to have hardwood floors in most of our house (I am especially thankful for that right now!) but our bedroom and Emmy’s bedroom both have carpet.  We all know that carpet can get pretty funky, and ours will be one of the first things to go if we decide to keep the house.  Top that off with the fact that, post pregnancy, I have been shedding hair like crazy, and we have a really bad combo.  A few days ago I caught Emma raking her fingers across the carpet in order to collect as much hair as possible, which she then was stuffing in her mouth at a rate I was not capable of keeping up with.  Ewwww!!  Why would anyone think this is a good idea?!  I have been fishing hair out of her mouth for days now.  I’ve had to pick up the rug in the laundry room and keep the doors to our room closed in order to try to curb this nasty little habit.  Hopefully it will be a short lived obsession.